Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: Ford = God?

"'Oh, for Ford's sake, be quiet!' he shouted."  pg. 90
"'Thank Ford,' she said to herself, 'he's all right again.'"  pg. 92

Ford is a common reaccuring theme in the novel.  The allusion is to Henry Ford, who designed the Ford Model T automobile and is credited with establishing the assembly line.  The World State is based on Ford and his assembly line.  It seems to me that Ford takes the place of  a higher power.  The time period is even A.F. (After Ford), establishing that he was really important.  The whole society of "community, identity, stability" is based on consumerism, which would not have been possible without the assembley line and Ford himself.  Therefore, society holds Ford in high regard, possibly even in place of God.  People in Brave New World use Ford in places where people today would use God or Lord.  For a society with no religion, it certainly follows Fordism very religiously. 

1 comment:

  1. I also noticed this use of the reference to Ford. It seemed that all the phrases commonly said today using "God," they instead said "Ford." It seemed a little weird at first, but I got used to it as it was a continual occurance. The connection to the assembly line did not cross my mind until near the end of the book but it makes total sense that and explain their reliance on allegiance to Ford because their society is indeed based on an assembly line.
