Thursday, December 8, 2011

"You're Ugly, Too"

"'Maybe I sound whiny to you,' said the girl, 'but. Simply want my history major to mean something.' 'Well, there's your problem,' said Zoe, and with a smile, she showed the student to the door. 'I like your bow,' she added."

"You're Ugly Too" by Lorrie Moore was strange. I did not really know what the purpose of this story was. However, I did find some irony in the story. I though it was kind of ironic that Zoe had characteristics of a man and Earl was dressed as a woman. It was also ironic that when Zoe was trying to be funny, no one else though she was funny. Everyone else just though she was being rude. The quote above is an example of how Zoe interacted with others. Zoe is very sarcasitic and her students take it as her bein rude. I think Zoe was just a little socially awkard and did not know how to act appropriately around other people.

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