Thursday, January 26, 2012

Othello (3)

"As I am an honest man, I though you had received some bodily wound.  There is more sense in that than in reputation.  Reputation is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving." II.iii.244-247

I have found quite a bit of irony in this play.  This quote above is a perfect example of irony.  Iago is telling Cassio that is an honest man, which the audience knows is not true.  The irony of the situation is that Cassio believes that Iago is honest.  Multiple times thoughout the play, the other characters refer to Iago as an honest man.  Iago is the farthest thing from honest; he is a lying, scheming, and deceitful man.  Iago is only interested in himself and advancing his career.  I also found it ironic that Iago hated Othello because there was a rumor that Othello slept with his wife, but Iago did not even love or respect his wife.

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