Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Raisin in the Sun (1)

#1 In literature, as in life, a character may search for a better way of life.  Show how two characters from A Raisin in the Sun are searching for a better way of life.  Explain what each character is hoping to gain through this search and discuss the ways in which each character attempts to bring about a change in his or her life.

"Yeah.  You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be 'bout thirty thousand..." -Walter (pg. 33)

Walter was searching for a better life for his family.  He wanted to open up the liquor store so he could provide more for his wife and son.  He did not like his job as a chauffeur at all and wanted to do something more fulfilling.  He was ashamed that his son had to sleep in the living room and wanted to make a better life for his son.

"Ain't many girls who decide-" "-'to be a doctor.'" -Walter and Beneatha (pg. 36)

Beneatha was also searching for a better life.  She was pursing a better life for herself by becoming a doctor.  It was not very common for women to become doctors at that time so it was difficult for her.  However, she did not let anything hold her back and she was determined to become a doctor so she could have a better life.

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