Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Raisin in the Sun (2)

#4  Often, pressure from other people or from outside forces might compel a person to take an action that he or she might not have taken ordinarily.  Discuss a character from Raisin who was pressured into taking an action that he or she might not have taken on his or her own.

"It's-it's a nice house too... Three bedrooms-nive big one for you and Ruth.... Me and Beneatha wtill have to share our room, but travis have one of his own-and (with difficulty) I figure if the-new baby-is a boy, we could get one of them double-decker outfits..." -Mama (pg. 92)

I think Mama felt a little pressure to buy a house.  She wanted to buy a house with her husband when they were raising their children, but they never did.  When she got the insurance check, Mama talked to Ruth about buying a house, but she was not too sure about it.  I think that at that time it was just a nice idea and she did not have any real intention of buying a house.  However, when she found out Ruth was pregnant, the news pressured Mama into buying a house.  Ruth was considering an abortion because there was no room for another child and she did not want to raise it in poverty.  Mama did not want Ruth to get rid of her baby, so it helped her make the decision to buy a house.

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