Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Auditory Imagery

"A Service, like a Drum-
Kept beating-beating-till I thought
My Mind was going numb-"

Emily Dickinson's poem "I Felt a Funeral, in my brain" has great use of auditory imagery.  The language of the poem evokes the sense of sound.  Dickinson uses the words "Drum," "beating," "creak," and "Silence" to create an image that represents these sounds.  These particular sounds also creates the atmosphere of a funeral.  As I read this poem, I thought the speaker was thinking about what her funeral would be like when she died.  I felt like the speaker was dying mentally while her body lived.  Then in the end, it said "...And Finished knowing-then-," which made me think the speaker died.  I am not sure if that is correct, but that is what I got out of the poem.

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