Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Extended Metaphor

"Inebriate of Air-am I-
And Debauchee of Dew-
Reeling-thro endless summer days-
From inns of Molten Blue-"

Emily Dickinson's poem "I taste a liquor never brewed" is an extended metaphor in which alcoholic intoxication is compared to being drunk on life or nature.  At first, I did not understand what the metaphor was, but when I reread the poem I notices connections to nature. "Air," "Dew," "Bee," and "Butterflies" all represent nature. The "inns of Molten Blue" represent the sky and the "snowy hats" are the clouds. The speaker is drunk on nature.  The metaphor expresses how nature enraptures the speaker. The speaker just enjoys all the different aspects of nature as they are and takes life for what it is. Even the seraphs and the saints seem to be pleased with the speaker's joy of nature.

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