Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Hazel Tells LaVerne"

"but sohelpmegod he starts talkin
bout a golden ball
an how i can be a princess
me a princess"

I really enjoyed this poem by Andrew Marvell.  This is probably the first poem that I have truely felt like I understand it.  I think this is a very creative take on the classic fairytale "Princess and the Frog."  The speaker is lower class and works at some kind of restaurant.  The poet even uses uneducated language to show that the speaker is lower class.  She gets asked to kiss the frog and turn into a princess, but she turns down the offer.  She cannot imagine herself as a princess, which probably had a lot to do with her upbringing as lower class.  The tone of this poem is a little sarcastic.  The speaker makes sarcastic remarks about being a princess as shown in the above quote.

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