Thursday, February 16, 2012

As You Like It - Dynamic Character

"And to the skirts of this wild wood he came; / Where meeting with an old religious man, / After some question with him, was converted / Both from his enterprise and from the world /His crown bequeathing to his banish'd brother,"  V.iv.78

Duke Frederick and Oliver are dynamic characters in this play.  They both change drastically by the end of the play.  At the beginning of the play, Frederick was cruel and greedy so he banished his bother. But at the end, he had a conversion when he about to kill his brother and returned his brother's dukedom instead of killing him. Oliver had a similar chance of heart during the play. To start, Oliver was bitter and cruel to his brother, but by the end he became kind and loving. After Duke Frederick threathen Oliver with banishment and Orlando saved him in the forest, Oliver had a conversion. He changed his attitude toward his brother. Oliver no longer wanted to kill Orlando and he fell in love with Aliena. Therefore, both Duke Frederick and Oliver are dynamic characters.

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