Thursday, February 2, 2012

Othello (6)

"Now will I question Cassio of Bianca, / A housewife that by selling her desires / Buys herself bread and clothes. It is acreature / That dotes on Cassio, as 'tis the strumpet's plague / To beguile many and be beguiled by one. / He, when he hears of her, cannot refrain / From the excess of laughter. Here he comes. / Aw he shall smile, Othello shall go mad, And his unbookish jealouly must construe / Poor Cassio's smiles, gestures, and light behavior / Quite in the wrong." IV.i.91-101

I thought Othello was an interesting story that kept my attention. I surprisingly wanted to keep reading to find out what Iago would do next. I thougt Iago was a very interesting character and I was amazed by his ability to manipulate everyone else. In the beginning, I kind of felt sorry for Iago because he was passed up for lieutenant for someone who had never fought in a battle. However, as the play progressed, I began to understand why Cassio was choosen instead of Iago. Iago was deceitful and manipulated, while Cassio was a gentleman. Iago was never telling the truth unless he was alone and he was speaking to only the audience. Therefore, I began to feel less sympathy for Iago because he did not deserve the position according to his actions. However, that did not make me hate Iago; I still thought he was very clever and he made a great villain which made the play interesting.

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