Thursday, February 16, 2012

As You Like It - Theme

"I will speak to him like a saucy lackey, and under the habit play the knave with him.  Do you hear, forester?"

All is not as it seems.  This is one of the themes of the play.  There are many things in the play that are not as they seem.  Ganymede and Aliena are really Rosalind and Celia.  They choose to disguise themselves to avoid thieves when they flee to the Forest of Arden.  Rosalind had the chance to tell Orlando who she really was but she choose to keep her identity a secret.   She maintained her disguise as a man to find out if Orlando really loved her.  In addition to the women disguising themselves, the Forest of Arden was not what it seemed.  Exile in the forest was nothing like one would imagine exile.  Duke Senior described banishment as better than life in the court.  Therefore, things were not as they seemed in the play.

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