Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Bartleby the Scrivener"

"I would prefer not to."

I thought "Bartleby the Scrivener" was a very strange short story. At first, it did not seem like there was a point and it was very slow. I was really bored reading this story because it seemed like it to along tome for the plot to develop. Once Bartleby entered the story, the plot started to develop more. I thought Bartleby was a very interesting character. When he started working, he was a very dilgent copyist, but he would not review anything. His only response was "I would prefer not to." While I reading, I started to wonder if the werethe only words he knew how to say. Eventually, it got to be annoying. I do not know what his situation was but I want to know more about him and I am confused as to why he died.

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