Thursday, November 10, 2011

"A Rose for Emily"

"She was sick for a long time. When we saw her again, her hair was cut short, making her look like a girl, with a vague resemblance to those angles in the colored church windows-sort of tragic and serene."

"A Rose for Emily" was a very weird story. It was also kind of confusing because the story is not in chronological order and the reader is never told dates. Time was always referred to by how many years had passed since her father's death or some other past event. Eventually a pattern arose in the story and it was easy to tell that time had passed because there was a new physcial description of Emily. The qoute above is example of this. So even though the story is not on chronological order, the reader can figure outthe order of the story by the physcial description of Emily and by how she is doing.

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