Thursday, November 10, 2011

"How I Met My Husband" -suspense

"As for me, I put it all out of my mind like a bad dream and concentrated on waiting for my letter. The mail came every day except Sunday, between one-thirty and two in the afternoon, a good time for me because Mrs. Peebles was always having her nap."

This short story really surprised me. The whole time I thought Edie was going to marry Chris. I was kind of disappointed when she married the mailman. Edie spent the most of the story describing how she met Chris, but only a paragraph about her husband. I guess it was just good use of suspense to keep the reader interested. When Edie first met Chris, I kept wondering how long it would be before they got together. Then they finally kissed before Chris left but he said he would write to her. Edie waited by the mailbox each day for the letter, but it never came. I though the waiting was just a build up of suspense because I thought a letter was actually going to come. So I was shocked when no letter came and she married the mailman. However, I think Edie's story about Chris was necessary to tell the reader how she met her husband.

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