Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"A Worn Path"

#5 Discuss the elements of plot and structure that dramatize Phoenix's journey.  What are the obstacles to her quest and how does she overcome them?"
"Her eyes were blue with age.  Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead..."

In "A Worn Path," Welty uses a lot of imagery to describe Phoenix's journey into town.  The imagery in the story is of the obstacles she encounters.  She has to persevere and overcome many obstacles to get to town.  Some of the obstacles were her age, the thorny bushes, the scarecrow, the dog, and man with the gun.  Phoenix faced these obstacles with courage and overcame them because she was determined to make it to town.  She overcame her age and her poor eyesight because she knew the way without being able to see because she had walked the path so many times.  Phoenix had courage and persevered in order to get the medicine for her grandson because it gave her some satisfaction to know that she was helping her grandson.

1 comment:

  1. it's one of my favourite novel, thanks for describing its characters! I think everybody will be imnterested in getting more information about A worn path, check
