Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Hunters in the Snow"

#1 Which of the three principal characters do you find most sympathetic? the least sympathetic? Discuss your answers.

"You fat moron," Frank said. "You aren't good for diddly."
"What do you know about fat," Tub said. "What do you know about glands." As he spoke he kept shaking Frank. "What do you know about me."

In "Hunters in the Snow," I thought Tub was the most sympathetic and Kenny was the least sympathetic. I feltthe most sympathy forTub because Kenny and Frank did not really treat him well at all. To start, Kenny almost ran Tub over with his truck after he was an hour late to pick him up. Thenwhen they were hunting, Kenny and Frank left Tub behind. They were also always joking about how fat Tub was. The quote above shows how mean and insensitive they were to Tub and he finally stood up for himself. Then, I thought Kenny was the least sympathetic because it got what he deserved. Kenny took things way too far. Tub and Frank had no idea the farmer asked Kenny kill the dog. So when Kenny said he was going to shoot Tub, they did not think he was joking. I would have felt more sympathy for Kenny after he was shot if he had not been so rude and insensitive in the beginning.

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