Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Once Upon a Time" - irony

"Then the man and his wife burst wildly into the garden and for some reason (the cat, probably) the alarm set up wailing against the screams while the bleeding mass of the little boy was hacked out of the security coil with saws, wire-cutters, shoppers, and they carried it - the man, the wife, the hysterical trusted housemaid and the weeping gardener - into the house."

"Once Upon a Time" was a depressing story.  It kind of added a new meaning to the phase "once upon a time."  Whenever I hear that phrase, I usually think it will be followed by a story with a happy ending.  However, this was not; it was the opposite.  The ending was very sad, but it was also ironic.  The family was so afraid of the outside world that they kept adding barriors between them and the world.  Their fear of the world crippled them more than it helped them.  Every time they add a new security measure to their home they became more vulnerable to intruders because they had gotten so used to false alarms.  Then the parents end up killing their little boy because of their over-the-top security system.  The irony here is that the wall was meant to protect the family, however the wall killed the little boy instead.

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