Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Frankenstein (4) - Guilt

"Thus the poor suffer tried to comfort others and herself.  She indeed gained the resignation she desired.  But I, the true murderer, felt the never-dying worm alive in my bosom, which allowed of no hope or consolation." (pg. 59)

Guilty - that was the verdict for Justine.  She was found guilty for William's murder.  However, Victor knew she was innocent, but he couldn't prove it.  Victor saw the creature at the site of his brother's murder for the first time since it ran off.  He knew as soon as he saw the creature that it killed William, but he could not save Justine without evidence.  So, Justine was killed for the crime and that left Victor feeling guilty.  Victor blamed himself for his brother's death because he created the monster that killed him.  But, then he also felt guilty for Justine's death because she was wrongfully killed.  After Justine was killed, Victor was filled with so much guilt that he could not sleep and he wandered a lot.  I think his sense of guilt will lead him to try and destroy his creation so it can't cause any more harm.

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