Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Frankenstein (5) - The Creature

"I was benevolent and good;  misery made me a fiend.  Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous." (pg. 69)

My first impression of the creature was that he was a monster, given Victor's reaction when he first saw him.  However, when Victor said he knew he killed his brother because he was present at the murder site, I did not think the creature killed William.  I did not think the creature had any reason to kill Victor's brother.  But, as I learned more about the creature and how he was treated, I started to think he probably did kill the boy.  The quote above provides the reason for the creature's actions.  He was treated poorly by everyone he encountered just because of his appearance.  First, a man screamed and ran off at the sight of him.  Then, people in the village attacked him and chased him out of the village.  He did not understand anything and was like a baby, learning to walk and talk.  I felt sorry for him as he told his story, but as he made it apparent that he was mistreated and people were going to pay for it, I started to lose sympathy.  I think the creature killed William and I am interested to see how Victor will respond if the creature tells him he did it.

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