Monday, April 23, 2012

The Great Gatsby (4) - dialect

"I thought you knew, old sport.  I'm afraid I'm not a very good host." (pg. 52)

Dialect is a distinct variety of a language that differs from the standard language.  At times, Gatsby seems to have his own dialect because he used phrases that are uncommon during that time.  He says "old sport" all the time and it is kind of strange because it is a phrase that someone from his generation would not commonly use.  The phrase makes him seem like he knows more than other people and gives him a feeling of authority.  He uses this phrase as a sign of his wealth and superiority.  Many social groups seem to have their own dialect that set them apart from others and the wealthy are no exception.  Each group's dialect reflects their behaivor and manner by which they live.  Gatsby's use phrases like "old sport" also reflect his manner.  At one point, Nick is frustrated by Gatsby becasue of his use of the phrase.  Nick does not like Gatsby assumption that Nick will do what he wants.  However, Gatsby's actions make him seem more realistic.

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