Monday, April 30, 2012

The Great Gatsby (10) - Death

"I tried to think about Gatsby then for a moment but he was already too far away and I could only remember, without resentment, that Daisy hadn't sent a message or a flower." (pg. 183)

I thought the ending was a little unexpected.  I did not expect anyone to die.  It was shocking to find out that Daisy was the one to kill Myrtle.  However, I was not surprised that Gatsby would take the blame for it because he truely loved Daisy.  And after Gatsby was murderer for something he did not do, Tom and Daisy did not even have the decency to send flowers.  Tom was partially the blame for Gatsby's murder because he lead Wilson to believe that Gatsby had an affair with his wife and ran her over with his car.  But Tom did not care about Gatsby and he just packed up and left town with Daisy.  I could not believe that Daisy left with Tom and that she did not attend Gatsby's funeral.  Daisy was supposedly in love with Gatsby, but she would not even attend his funeral or send flowers after he was murdered for the crime she committed.  I think this sums how self-abosorbed the characters were.


  1. Dear Katie,
    I really enjoyed this blog. I was also very surprised about the ending of this book and was quite offended that no one cared that Gatsby died. I hate how self-absorbed people can be sometimes. The entire ending kind of confused me because I could not believe that people would not even have the decency to attend Gatsby's funeral. How sad, oh how sad. How unspeakably dreary....

  2. The end of the book also left my surprised. I was really disappointed in how it turned out. Tom and Daisy are the truly guilty ones. Daisy is a terrible person and deserves nothing other than death.
