Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Frankenstein (6) - Education/Knowledge

"While I improved in speech, I also learned the science of letters as it was taught to the stranger; and this opened before me a wide field for wonder and delight." (pg. 84)

When the creature came to life, he was like a child and did not know anything. Therefore, the creature spent the first year of his life learning through observation of others. He started to learn simple words for objects by watching the DeLaceys, but he had a hard time understanding emotions. Learning became easier for the creature when Safie showed up to live with the family because they had to teach her their language. So as Felix taught Safie French, the creature learned it as well. He listened to Felix read Ruins of Empires and learned about ancient empires. Then, he continued to learn different aspects of life by reading books that he found in the forest. From these books, the creature learned about death and suicide, admiration and love, and Adam and the devil. After gaining all this knowledge about the past and humans, he began to question his life. Where he came from and why he was different? His knowledge only led to more questions and eventually violence.

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