Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: Anecdote on the Director

"'Twenty years, I suppose.  Nearer twenty-five.  I must have been your age...'  He sighed and shook his head."
"'I had the same idea as you, ' the Director was saying.  'Wanted to have a look at the savages.  Got a permit for New Mexico and went there for my summer holiday.'"  pg. 96

In chapter six, the Director gave the reader a little glimpse into his past.  When Bernard went to the Director to sign a permit, it brought back old memories for the Director.  Then the he started talking about his past almost forgetting that Bernard was in the room.  Through this short anecdote, we learn that the director went to the Savage Reservation when he was younger and something happened to him while he was there.  But what happened and why was the girl missing?  And why did he get so defensive when he remembered Bernard was listening?  It was rather strange for the Director to talk with Bernard for so long and then even weirder when he got angry with Bernard for listening.  So, I will be paying attention to see if something more is revealed about the Director's past father along in the book.

1 comment:

  1. You're asking all the right questions at this point in the novel!
