Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: Linda's shame and Lenina's disgust

"'And I was so ashamed.  Just think of it:  me, a Beta-having a baby:  put yourself in my place.' (The mere suggestion made Lenina shudder.)"  pg. 120

Disgust!  That was Lenina reaction to Linda.  She could not believe a Beta gave birth to a child.  However, Linda was also disgusted and ashamed with herself for having a son.  They was also disgusted by the savages.  After all, Lenina and Linda were both conditioned to be repulsed by the savages.  I think the way they feel about the savages is probably the same as I feel about they way they live.  I do not understand it and I find it confusing.  Just as the women do not understand the savages, I do not understand this Brave New World.  They live in a society with progress and do not understand how people can live as savages do when there is something better.  But why must everything be their way?  Why can't they just accept that some people are different?  Well, they are conditioned to think that way for the sake of peace and stability.  But I don't understand why no one has an real independent thinking.  I mean, the savages do not all think the same things and they seem to have peace and stability on the reservation.  I just don't understand it, but I might eventually because I am not conditioned to hate things I do not understand.

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