Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: Whao John!

"And as though awakened by her cry he caught her by the shoulders and shook her.  'Whore!' he shouted.  'Whore!  Impudent strumpet!' ...The Savage pusher her away with such force that she staggered and fell.  'Go,' he shouted, standing over her menacingly, ' get out of my sight or I'll kill you.'  He clenched his fists."  pg. 194

Well John, is that how your really feel?  What an outburst!  I did not see that one coming.  I was hoping that John would stay true to his morals, but I did not expect him to explode on Lenina.  I am glad that John did not sleep with Lenina, but I was shocked by his reaction.  It is not at all what I expected.  I was also surprised that he told her loved her, especially because she did not have the same feelings.  I know Lenina said she liked John a lot, but I do not believe she loved him.  It just simply not in her to fall in love; it's against her conditioning.  She believes that "everyone belongs to everyone."  John, however, believes in love and marriage.  He deserves to be with someone who feels the same way about him as he feels about her.  Therefore, I am glad John turned Lenina down.  He could have been a little nicer, but he did what he had to do.

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