Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brave New World: Onomatopoeia

"Whiz and then, click! the lift-hatches flew open...whiz, click!" pg. 9

In the first chapter of Brave New World, the Director shows a group of boys around the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre.  As they walked through different sections of the centre, the director explains what certain machines are and what they do.  One of the rooms they entered was the Bottling Room.  When describing the bottling room, the author used an onomatopoeia.  It allows the reader not only to see the words but also hear the sounds.  I felt as though I was in the factory watching the bottles pass by on a conveyor belt and hearing the clicking sounds they made.  The use of the onomatopoeia effectively helps the reader imagine the workings of the factory.  It provides the reader with an image of how the system works and how it is constantly moving.

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