Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: Style

"'I simply must get one like it,' said Fanny
 'There were some things called the pyramids, for example.'
 'My old black-patent bandolier...'"  pg. 51

My reaction to the style of this novel is confused.  I feel like half the stuff I am reading I do not understand.  I have also had to look a few words up, especially the scientific mumbo-jumbo in the first few chapters.  Reading the first chapter was a nightmare; I did not want to continue reading.  I even considered reading the other book first, but I decided I better get this book out of the way.  I also do not like how it jumps back and forth from three different conversations simultaneously.  The quote, for example, is more than one conversation and it continues to skip back and forth between conversations for about ten pages.  Sometimes when I was reading, I did not know which conversation I was in because it skipped around so much.  I had to go back and reread so I knew what was happening.  It is frustrating to reread things multiple times before I understand what is happening.  I feel like the last few chapters may have made a bit more sense if things were arranged a little differently.  However, I adjusted to the style and am I am trying my best to understand it.

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