Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: Pop! His Bubble Burst!

"Punctured, utterly deflated, he dropped into a chair and, covering his face with his hands, began to weep.  A few minutes later, however, he though better of it ant took four tablets of soma."  pg. 176

Finally!  Bernard's fame and success came to an end.  His inconsideration towards John came back to bite him in the butt.  Bernard never asked John what he wanted to do or who he wanted to meet.  He just spoke for John and expected him to go along with it.  Well Bernard you can't always get what you want, can you?  Sometimes things just aren't going to go your way.  And when you depend on another person to do what you want, you have to give a little in return.  Bernard did nothing for John.  He basically put John on display for everyone to see.  So when John was finally tired of being used and he refused to be put on display, Bernard's success went down the drain.  His bubble of success was popped.  I say good for John.  Way to go!  He deserves better than how Bernard was treating him and Bernard got what he deserved.

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