Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: A Bit of Confidence

"'Marx,' he said, 'can you show any reason why I should not now execute the judgement passed upon you?'
'Yes, I can,' Bernard answered in a very loud voice.
Somewhat taken aback, but still majestically, ' then show it,' said the Director."  pg. 149

After Bernard returned from holiday, the Director tried to make an example of him.  He called out Bernard on his strange habits in front of the workers and declared that he was being transferred to Iceland.  However, Bernard had other ideas.  Bernard returned from holiday with a surprise for the Director.  He brought out Linda and John and completely humiliated the Director.  Bernard had returned for the Savage Reservation with a new-found confidence.  He stood up to the Director and proved he had a reason to stay.  I think knowing something about the Director that no one else knew is what gave Bernard the confidence to stand up for himself.  I do not think that he needed to embarrass the Director in front of the whole staff, but it was good that he finally stood up for himself.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that while Bernard finally got some confidence, he used it to (needlessly?) embarrass the Director.
