Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: The Savage Reservation

"'But cleanliness is next of fordliness,' she (Lenina) insisted.
'Yes, and civilization is sterilization,' Bernard went on..."  pg. 110

Bernard took Lenina on holiday with him to the Savage Reservation.  Before they went, he asked her is she was sure that she wanted to go because things were very different on the reservation.  Lenina was sure she could handle anything she saw on the reservation, but she was wrong.  She was shocked and disgusted by how the "savages" lived.  She asked, "how can they live like this?"  Lenina could not imagine anyone living where in a place without progress.  Bernard, however, had a much different response.  He was fascinated by their lifestyle.  While Lenina tried to ignore what she saw, Bernard made open comments about his surroundings.  Their different reactions to the reservation give the reader more insight on each character.  I will continue to watch for their different reactions and learn more about each character.

1 comment:

  1. careful not to write entries that are only retelling the story. You mention that their reactions to the reservation give the reader more insight into the characters.....what's the insight?
