Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: Fame...but how long will it last

"The days passed.  Success went fizzily to Bernard's head and in the process completely reconciled him (as any good intoxicant should do) to a world which, up till then, he had found very unsatisfactory.  In so far as it recognized him as important, the order of things was good."  pg. 157

After news of Bernard's encounter with the Director and news of the savages spread, people wanted to see the savages.  Bernard was becoming very popular.  All the sudden the society he hated was not so bad because he was accepted.  He was considered important and people wanted to meet him.  His fame completely change him (and not for the better).  As expressed in the quote above, Bernard's fame and success went to his head.  He was insensitive and used John to get attention and "scientific purposes" (whatever that means).  For some reason I get the feeling that Bernard's fame will not last for long.  So, I'll be waiting to see it his luck runs out and he returns to his old life as an outsider.  I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens.

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