Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: already confused

"My name is Kathy H. I'm thirty-one years old, and I've been a cared now for over eleven years." pg. 3

In the beginning of the novel, there is a feeling that the reader is not being told everything. There were certain things that led me to the conclusion that some information was withheld. For example, the narrator Kathy talks about being a carer and donations. What is a carer? What are donations? From what I understand, a carer is sort of like a doctor or a nurse and donations have to do with humans donating organs. However, I am not sure because Kathy does not explain what these things are. Kathy also mentions Hailsham, the school she grew up at and how Hailsham students are special. I want to know more about Hailsham and donations. I did not understand the first chapter right away because somethings were left unsaid, but I am curious to find out more as I read.

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