Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: First Person Point of View

"This was all a long time ago so I might have some of it wrong; but my memory of it is that my approaching Tommy that afternoon was part of a phase I was going through around that time-something to do with compulsively setting myself challenges-and I'd more or less forgotten about it when Tommy stopped me a few days later." pg. 13

First person narration gives the reader insight into the narrators mind and feelings. Kathy's first person narration of the novel establishes a kind of intimacy between the narrator and the reader. As the reader, I have direct access to Kathy's thoughts and emotions. This is effective because the reader gets to know the narrator throughout the story. However, there is a downside to first person narration. Some of the details that another charater noticed may be left out because the character telling the story did not notice the details. I wonder how the story would have turned out if Ruth or Tommy had been the narrator. I think it would almost seem like an completely different story if told from another perspective because the characters are so different.

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