Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: Foreshadowing

"After that I think we went back to talking in a more or less friendly way...But the atmosphere never quite righted itself, and when we said our goodnights...we parted without our usual little touches on the arms and shoulders." pg. 202

Ishiguro uses foreshadowing a few times in the novel. One example in particular is the quote above. Kathy and Ruth got into another arguement and it did not end well. Usually at the end of the day they will make up and forget about their arguments. However, this time was different and it foreshadows more tension in their friendship. This event made me feel like something bad was about to happen in their friendship. Then, sure enough something happened. Later in the chapter, Kathy applied to start training as a carer and they never really made up. Soon Kathy was gone and things didn't really end well forthe two friends.

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