Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: Metonymy

"They don't know what to say to the whitecoats, they can't make themselves speak up on behalf of their donor." pg. 208

This quote shows how out of place the students are. It shows they don't fit into the outside world. The carers do not even know how the interact with normal humans. They don't know how to address the doctors so they call them whitecoats because that is what doctors wear. Identifying the doctors by something associated with them is called metonymy. This use of metonymy shows the students lack of interaction with the world outside their schools. I feel like the guardians did not prepare the students well enough for the outside world because they do not feel comfortable around doctors. The carers should be able to speak up on behalf of their donors, but they can't because they were not taught how to interact with normal people.

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