Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: Norfolk-something to believe in

"...That day Tommy and I found another copy of that lost tape of mine in a town on the Norfolk coast, we didn't just think it pretty funny; we both felt deep down some tug, some old wish to believe again in something that was once close to our hearts." pg. 67

Every child finds something to believe in as they grow up. It's natural. I believed in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny when I was younger. It was all part of the fun of being a little kid. I think believing in Santa is kind of like the concept of Norfolk. As students at Hailsham, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy learned about Norfolk in geography class. Norfolk was described as the "lost cornor of Europe." Hailsham also had a "lost cornor" for lost and found items, so the students liked to think all the things they ever lost went to Norfolk. It's not unusal for kids to believe in irrational things such as this. Sometimes I wish I still believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny because it made the holidays more fun and exciting. That's why when Kathy and Tommy found the lost tape in Norfolk it gave them something to hold onto and believe in from their past.

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