Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: A love-hate relationship

"Those early months at the Cottages had been a strange time in our friendship. We were quarrelling over all kinds if little things, but at the same time we were confiding in each other more than ever." pg. 126

Kathy and Ruth have been best friends since they were little. However, I don't really understand how they are such great friends. Ruth is not always the nicest peson to be around, while Kathy almost always seems to be a great friend. Ruth is definately two-faced and Kathy began to notice it when they moved to the Cottages. Ruth seeks attention and popularity and she doesn't seem to care who she hurts along the way. So far, Kathy has stood by her and even defended her, but during their time at the Cottages they seem to be growing apart more and more. I think Kathy and Ruth will reach a breaking point where they will become quite distant.

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