Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: Imagery

"...a lovely old church about half a mile from the Cottages, which had behind it rambling grounds with very old gravestones leaning in the grass. Everything was overgrown, but it was really peaceful and Ruth had taken to doing a lot of her reading there, near the back railings, on a bench under a big willow." pg. 192

Imagery is a great literary device to help the reader develop a mental picture of the scene taking place in a story. Ishiguro uses imagery to describe Ruth's favorite reading spot. I can picture Ruth sitting on a bench under the willow tree reading one of her books for her essay. The imagery created a great mental pictue of a quite little churchyard that would be greatfor reading. I am not much of a reader, but when I do read I like to be by myself so I can concentrate. So the bench in churchyard seems like the perfect place for me to read. I could almost see myself reading in the churchyard becasue the imagery is so effective.

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