Friday, August 12, 2011

NLMG: Why so many secrets?

"All I can tell you today is that it's for a good reason. A very important reason. But if I tried to explain it to you now, I don't think you'd understand. One day, it'll be explained to you." pg. 40

Secrets! They seem to be a big part of Kathy's life. And not just Kathy, but all the students at Hailsham are surround by secrets. Everything about Hailsham seems to be one big secret. So far I haven't really learned the purpose of the school or why the students are there. What can't Miss Lucy tell the students? Miss Lucy appears to care for the students a lot but something is holding her back from telling them the truth. Miss Lucy is different from the oulther gaurdians; she wants to tell the students the truth, but she is not allowed. Hopefully the truth will come out soon enough because I don't really understand everything that is happening and the secrets don't make it any easier to understand.

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